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Any links to resources that might be relevant to the study of Western esotericism.

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A philosophical journey Van Osta, P
Ahiman: A Review of Masonic Culture & Tradition Eyer, SE Page Millar, A
Angel Millar's website Millar, A
Archives of Western Esotericia Forshaw, Peter J
Arkyves: The Past and Present of Imagination Forshaw, Peter J
Avalonia Rankine, D
Azogue: Revista electrónica dedicada al estudio histórico crítico de la alquimia Forshaw, Peter J
Bibliography for Medieval Geomancy Forshaw, Peter J
Bibliography of Secondary Sources on Alchemy Forshaw, Peter J
Biblioteca Digital Dioscorides - alquimia, astrologia, filosofia Forshaw, Peter J
bibliotheca hermetica (Japanese Forshaw, Peter J
Bio at "Hindu Human Rights" blog Millar, A
Bruno: Latin works on BIVIO Forshaw, Peter J
Cahiers de Recherches Medievales et Humanistes Forshaw, Peter J
CEEO: Centro de Estudios sobre el Esoterismo Occidental de la UNASUR Forshaw, Peter J
Chrysopoeia: Revue publiée par la Société d'Étude de l'Histoire de l'Alchimie Forshaw, Peter J
Documents on Christian Esotericism Zoccatelli, P.L.
Don Karr's Bibliographic Surveys of Jewish and Christian Kabbalah von Stuckrad, K.
Druids Foot Blog Shores, Travis
Early Modern Europe: The Witch Hunts Forshaw, Peter J
Eeva K. Kallio Kallio, EK
El hermetismo en la red Elvira, I. E.
EMPHASIS: Early Modern Philosophy and the Scientific Imagination Seminar, London Forshaw, Peter J
EMTO: Early Modern Thought Online Forshaw, Peter J
Encyclopedia Mythica Forshaw, Peter J
Esoteric Book Conference Kiesel, W
Esoteric Coffeehouse Hedesan, Georgiana D.
Exhibitions: Concerning the Spiritual in Photography Hanegraaff, W.J.
Ficino: Latin works on BIVIO Forshaw, Peter J
Golden Hoard Press Rankine, D
Hermanos Tres Puntos (Masonería Campos, MJ
Hermetic Net. La Revelación de Hermes Trimegisto (in Spanish and Catalan languages Elvira, I. E.
Imagining Outer Space, 1900-2000: An International Conference (Feb. 2006 Geppert, Alexander C.T.
Jacob Boehme Resources Forshaw, Peter J
Jean-Francois Mayer - Personal Webpage Mayer, JF
Jornada Masoneria en Argentina y América Latina. Influencia de la Masonería en el Pensamiento Político de la Revolución de Mayo. I Jornada de Estudios sobre Masonería en Argentina y América Latina Campos, MJ
Mauricio Javier Campos Biobibliografía Campos, MJ
Mauricio Javier Campos Masoneria Campos, MJ
Mitrinović Digital Library Radulović, Nemanja
My art portfolio and collection of articles (including conference papers Chaitow, S
Necropolis Now Tully, CJ
Necropolis Now Blog Tully, J
Occult E Boks EVANS, DAVID
ORB: Bibliography on Magic Forshaw, Peter J
Original Sigil Art-Magick & Grimoires Mavroudis, GM
Ouroboros Press Kiesel, W
OVN News (newsletter on academic study of freemasonry Kroon, A.A.
OVN Nieuws (academische studie vrijmetselarij Kroon, A.A.
People of Shambhala Millar, A
Persée: Portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines Forshaw, Peter J
Picatrix (Latin on BIVIO Forshaw, Peter J
Pico Project: de hominis dignitate Forshaw, Peter J
Ramon Llull Database - Llull DB Forshaw, Peter J
Religioscope Mayer, JF
Revista Azogue - Online alchemy journal Forshaw, Peter J
Robert Boyle Project Forshaw, Peter J
Siobhan Houston's web site Houston, Siobhan
Studia Hermetica Journal Elvira, I. E.
Studia Hermetica: website dedicated to Hermetism and related currents Elvira, I. E.
Studia Judaica Forshaw, Peter J
Tarot Bibliography, Spillkammeret Forshaw, Peter J
The 9th House: Recent Academic Research on Astrology Forshaw, Peter J
The Alchemy Museum, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic Forshaw, Peter J
The Chymistry of Isaac Newton Forshaw, Peter J
The history of the Freemasonry 1 Campos, MJ
The history of the Freemasonry 2 Campos, MJ
The history of the Freemasonry 3 Campos, MJ
The Péladan Project: resources and research Chaitow, S
The Study of Christian Cabala in English (bibliography Forshaw, Peter J
Traditionalism research Sedgwick, MJR
Travis Shores Shores, Travis
Website Skinner, S
Zurich Paracelsus Project Forshaw, Peter J

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