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  • 2016-05-27 08:00 | Anonymous




    27. V

    8.-9.00. REGISTRATION (main hall)

    9.-9.15-Opening. Greetings by Prof. Zoran Paunović, Deputy Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Philology, and by Prof. György Endre Szőnyi , President of CEENASWE (room 33)

    9.15-10.15-Keynote lecture

    Yuri Stoyanov (University of London-Albright Institute Jerusalem): Esotericism and visionary mysticism in Medieval  Byzantine and Slavonic Orthodox pseudepigraphic and heretical literature (room 33)

    10.30.-11.00. coffee break


    session 1: Slavica mystica et hermetica (010)

    1. Oksana Aleksandrovna Stein (St. Petersburg state institute of technology Technical university) Ascetic practice of Hesychasm: A hermeneutical interpretation

    2. Vitalii Shchepanskyi (The National University of Ostroh Academy) Hermes Trismegistus in Slavia Orthodoxa: the written tradition

    chairman: Yuri Stoyanov (University of London-Albright Institute Jerusalem)

    session 2: Alchemy and Pansophy in CEE (011)

    • 1.      Rafał T. Prinke (Eugeniusz Piasecki University, Poznań) Michael Sendivogius as a literary antihero

    • 2.      Marton Szentpeteri (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest) The Temple of Christian Pansophy: Jan Amos Comenius and the early modern roots of Masonic symbolism

    • 3.      Jiří Michalík (Palacký University, Olomouc−Universität Konstanz−Universität Regensburg) Paracelsus and the beginnings of his reception in 16th-century Bohemia

    chairman: Rafał T. Prinke (Eugeniusz Piasecki University, Poznań)


    session 3: Esotericism in 18th century (010)

    • 1.      György Endre Szőnyi (University of Szeged−Central European University, Budapest) The Modern Adept. A novel on alchemy and its Hungarian reception in the time of the Enlightement.

    • 2.      Martin Javor (University of Prešov) Masonic magazine Orpheus in Kosice (1790 – 1791)

    chairman: Svetoslava Toncheva (IEFSEM, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

    session 4: Arts and (magical) crafts (011)

    • 1.      Róbert Pölcz (University of Szeged) Spiritual alchemy in Gábor Bódy's Narcissus and Psyche

    • 2.      Spyros Petritakis (University of Crete) “Throughout the Dark, the Light”: mapping out the networks of Theosophists in interwar Athens through the case study of Frixos Aristeas (1897-1951).

    • 3.      Massimo Introvigne (Pontifical Salesian University in Torino−CESNUR) Artists and Theosophy in Present-Day Czech Republic and Slovakia

    chairman: Massimo Introvigne (Pontifical Salesian University in Torino−CESNUR)

    14.-15. lunch break


    session 5: Romanticism and its heritage (010)

    • 1.      Tomasz Niezgoda (Institute for Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków) Poland as warrior messiah in the works of Adam Mickiewicz

    • 2.      Małgorzata Alicja Dulska (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) The Prophets of the new age. Mickiewicz, Słowacki and Krasiński in Polish esoteric writings in the interwar period

    • 3.      Nemanja Radulović (University of Belgrade) Romanticism, Orthodoxy and esotericism in The Ray of Microcosm by P. Petrović Njegoš

    • chairman: György Endre Szőnyi  (University of Szeged−Central European University, Budapest)

    session 6:  Esotericism and academy (011)

    • 1.      Boaz Huss (Ben Gurion University, Beersheba) Moses Gaster and Western esotericism

    • 2.      Matylda Ciołkosz (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) The pātañjala yoga of Leon Cyboran.  How the Yoga Sūtra was given a Polish voice

    • 3.      Fryderyk Kwiatkowski (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) The concept of”Gnosticism” as an interpretation strategy in Polish literary studies. Towards a new theoretical framework for studies in narrative fiction.

    chairman: Boaz Huss (Ben Gurion University, Beersheba)

    16.30.-17. coffee break


    session 7: Belle époque 1 (010)

    • 1.      Karolina Maria Hess  (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) Fascination with the Occult and the East: Theosophical inspirations in works of chosen Polish authors at the turn of the 20th century

    • 2.      Eugene Kuzmin, independent researcher, (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Valery Bryusov (1873-1924): selling the soul as a Method of Research

    chairman:Ewelina Drzewiecka (Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

    session 8: Cross-cultural research 1 (migrations and receptions) (011)

    • 1.      Łukasz Byrski  (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) Magical books of wisdom in ancient Egypt and China and their reception in modern culture

    • 2.      Olaf Stachowski (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) The Art of Howling: a history of European spirit evocation practice and its possible Hellenic roots

    • 3.      Sergej Macura (University of Belgrade) The Bride of Night: An esoteric journey in Against the Day

    chairmen: Martin Javor (University of Prešov) and Marton Szentpeteri (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest)



    Session 9:  Belle époque 2 (010)

    • 1.      Ewelina Drzewiecka (Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) “Enlightened Esotericism”: a case study on migrating ideas in the modern Bulgarian tradition

    • 2.      Mauro Ruggiero (Charles IV University in Prague) The influence of Western esotericism on the poetry of the Czech poet and essayist Otokar Březina

    • 3.      Henrik Johnsson (Aarhus University) Alchemy as Poetry: the case of O.V. de L. Milosz

    chairman: Henrik Johnsson (Aarhus University)

    session 10: Cross-cultural research 2 (case studies) (011)

    • 1.      Snežana Milinković (University of Belgrade) Morgante and Malagigi as a personification of poetic creativity in Luigi Pulci ’s epic in the context of the last decades of the XV century in Florence

    • 2.      David William Mac Gillavry (Masaryk Univeristy, Prague) Rethinking Esotericism: a cognitive science account of Western esotericism and occultism

    chairman: Snežana Milinković (University of Belgrade)

    10.30.-11. 00. coffee break


    Session 11: Interwar period (010)

    • 1.      Eva Kovacheva (Plovdiv University) Importance of the Occult School of the White Brotherhood opened by Peter Deunov (The Master Beinsa Duno) in Sofia in 1922.

    • 2.      Svetoslava Toncheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Petar Deunov’s esoteric ideas of the Bulgarians’ national culture

    • 3.      Konstantin Burmistrov (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Russian emigration of the 1920s – 1930s in Yugoslavia and esotericism

    chairman: Noel Putnik (CEU-Budapest)

    session 12: Poetry and /as esotericism (011)

    • 1.      Eszter Molnár (Eötvös Loránd Science University, Budapest) The influence of theosophy and Eastern mysticism in the works of the Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres

    • 2.      Stanislav Panin (D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow −Association for the Study of Esotericism and Mysticism) The role of poetry in Soviet and post-Soviet Russian esotericism: a case of Ian Koltunov

    • 3.      Jan Miklas-Frankowski (University of Gdańsk) Visions from San Francisco Bay” as an example of esoteric inspirations in Czesław Miłosz’s  work

    chairman: Stanislav Panin (D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow−Association for the Study of Esotericism and Mysticism)

    12.30.-13.30 lunch break


    session 13: Esotericism, politics and art in Serbia (010)

    • 1.      Noel Putnik (University of Belgrade−Central European University, Budapest, CEU) Occultism, politics and public imagination in Post-Communist Serbia

    • 2.      Nadežda Elezović (Croatia) Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski-author of globally influental systems of spiritual technology

    • 3.      Nikola Pešić (University of Belgrade) New Age healing in Marina Abramović’s art

    chairman:  Karolina Maria Hess (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)

    session 14: Popular imagination (011)

    • 1.      Pavel Nosachev (National research university Higher school of economics in Moscow) The influences of Western esotericism on Russian rock poetry of the turn of the century

    • 2.      Roman Shizhenskiy (State Paedgogical University K. Minin of Nizhniy Novgorod) The question about source basis of the Russian Pagan diaspora (according to field research)

    • 3.      Kateryna Zorya (University of Amsterdam) To See and To Remember: Tolkien-based visionary practices in Post-Soviet territory

    chairman: Pavel Nosachev (National research university Higher school of economics in Moscow)

    15.-15.30 coffee break

    15.30.-16.15 CEENASWE meeting (011)

  • 2016-05-23 10:49 | Anonymous

    HHP in Amsterdam is now receiving applications for its two PhD positions in the history of Western esotericism. A rare opportunity!

  • 2016-04-26 10:56 | Anonymous



    Magical Traditions and Medieval Religions of the Book


    A one-­ day workshop for MA and PhD students organized by ESSWE in conjunction with the Warburg Institute, London.

    Location: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

    Time: 10:00-17:30

    Date: Thursday 7 July 2016

    Please note: this is a free event with a limited number of places.

    For further information, or to book a place, please contact

    Sophie Page:




    Lecture Theatre, Warburg Institute

    Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

    10:00-10:30 Workshop registration and coffee

    10:30-10:40 Welcome by ESSWE president Andreas Kilcher

    1) Oratory: Presentations by guest speakers (10:40—14.40) Chair: Yuri Stoyanov (SOAS)

    10:40-11:20 Siam Bhayro (Exeter): ‘Jewish Aramaic magic bowls from late antique Mesopotamia: No longer on the margins’

    11:20-12.00 Liana Saif (Oxford): ‘At the Margins of Orthodoxy: Magic in Medieval Islam’

    12.00-12:40 Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (Manchester) ‘Slavic amulet books and Greek Orthodoxy’ with a response from Will Ryan (retired professor of Russian magic, Warburg Institute).‎‎

    12:40-13:40 Lunch Break (as this is a free event, lunch is not provided)

    13:40-14:40 Jean-Patrice Boudet (Orléans), ‘Magical Traditions and Medieval Religions of the Book: Common Topics and Mutual Influences’. Chair: Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute)

    2) Round table discussion (14:40-15:30) Chair: Sophie Page (UCL)

    15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

    3) PhD and Early Career Advice (16:00-16.30)

    Two simultaneous sessions:

    1. Early Career Advice for PhD students. Led by Egil Asprem (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Liana Saif (Oxford)

    2. PhD advice for MA students (ESSWE board members and guest speakers)

    4) Laboratory: Discussion in period and regional focus groups (16:30-17:30)

    With the following scholars, in addition to the speakers and chairs: Andreas Kilcher, Mark Sedgwick, Peter J. Forshaw, Jean-Pierre Brach, Birgit Menzel, Bernd-Christian Otto and Gyorgy E. Szonyi.

    17:30 Wine reception


    The Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB


    • 73 and 30 stop on Euston Road (near Euston Station)
    • 59, 68, 91 and 168 stop on Woburn Place/Tavistock Square
    • 10, 14, 24, 29, 73, 134 and 390 stop on Tottenham Court Road (going northwards) and on Gower Street (going southwards)

    Tube stations:

    The nearest tube stations within a few minutes walking distance of the Institute are: Russell Square (Piccadilly Line), Goodge Street (Northern Line), Warren Street (Victoria Line), Euston (Northern and Victoria Lines), and Euston Square (Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City and Circle Lines).
    Click the logo to acccess the London Underground site.

    British Rail stations:

    The rail stations close to the Institute are Euston, Kings Cross and St Pancras.

    For further information, please contact Sophie Page: or visit the ESSWE Agenda page for this event:


  • 2016-04-12 13:51 | Anonymous


    Occultism and Popular Culture Workshop

    19 April 2016


    This two-part workshop will explore the relationship between popular culture and occultism in conversation with Professor Wouter Hanegraaff (UvA, History of Hermetic Philosophy), Dr. Joyce Goggin (UvA), and Dr. Christine Ferguson (University of Glasgow).

    In the first half of the seminar will consist of Dr. Ferguson’s talk on “Arthur Machen and the Occult Pickwick,” and a lecture by Dr. Joyce Goggin on “Magic and Illusion: From Tarot to Playing Cards”.

    These lectures will be followed by a group seminar discussion of selected texts by Adorno, Horkheimer and Williams:

    “Popular” and “Culture” from Raymond Williams’ Keywords

    Excerpt from Adorno and Horkheimer’s The Culture Industry

    Adorno, “Theses Against Occultism”


    April 19, 2016. Bungehuis 004, 15:00 – 18:00   

    Please register for the workshop by contacting (  

    Gepubliceerd door  Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

  • 2016-04-06 08:48 | Anonymous


    The research project is an Initial Training Network (ITN) established by six universities and ninenon-academic partner organizations across Europe and engaging scholars and PhD students from various disciplines. The ITN will trace the roots and transformations of the human values of dignity and freedom in theological and philosophical traditions, among other things with the aim of understanding modern debates and conflicts about these values. In modern western societies, the ideal human being has the right to think, believe, and express itself freely without fearing retribution and to be treated as an autonomous and dignified individual. But such a conception is not shared by all – and never was. Its long history has been formed through a continuous battle between two theological and philosophical traditions going back to Origen of Alexandria and Augustine of Hippo, respectively. Origen saw humans as free, valuable, and dignified beings, while Augustine saw them as predestined, sinful, and bound to servitude. The project’s research will continuously circle this battle between the opposing negative and positive views on humanity that we encounter in various contexts from antiquity to modern times. Thereby, the project will raise awareness of how ancient philosophical and religious tenets still shape political, moral, and anthropological categories and modes of thinking as well as principles of human conduct. Find more information on the project website

    This project has received funding from the European Union's H2020 research and innovation program

  • 2016-03-29 18:23 | Anonymous

    Call for scholars of the Middle Ages with interests in hidden esoteric motifs and spirituality in the literature of the period

    We are extending a cordial invitation to scholars who are in a position to submit a manuscript for a special issue of the journal Arcanum with the title, Hidden Esoteric Motifs and Spirituality in the Literature of the Middle Ages.

    The goal of the special issue is to make a case for a renewed interest in scholarly research and a reappraisal of traditional interpretations of the literary works in the period.

    The first of two main sections of the issue will consist of overview papers which would each provide insights into one of the esoteric currents and aspects of spirituality that we know of from the Middle Ages and that authors during this period could have been well aware of, such as ...


    The second of two main sections will consist of research papers which will focus on works of literature of the Middle Ages that provide clues that their authors were aware of one or more of the prevailing esoteric currents.

    An introductory paper will provide a brief overview of the papers in the issue in a way that helps to provide the context within which they will serve as contributions to the literature. A concluding paper will highlight promising new research directions.

    Co-volume Editors: Ingrid E. Lotze (Arcanum) and Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona)

    Indexing: Arcanum is indexed in the International Medieval Bibliography.

    Inquiries from authors who would like to discuss their research and manuscript ideas are welcome.

    Point of contact ... ... Phone: 207-546-2821, Ext. 4

  • 2016-03-16 20:27 | Anonymous


    The Estonian Society for the Study of Religions

    announces a call for papers for the conference

    Religion and Nation(alism): Entanglements, Tensions, Conflicts

    University of Tartu, Estonia, 10-11 November 2016

    Recent developments throughout the world have shown that the connections between ethnic and religious identity have not lost their actuality. The relationships between religion and nationalism are multifaceted and interactive; their dynamics is influenced by social and political conditions. The politisation of religion may support ethnic and national unity, whereas religion may lead to particular forms of political activism. The concurrence of ethnic and religious identity (or the lack of it!) may result in nation building or the shaping of an ideology of the ‘chosen people’. Moreover, religious identities may offer possibilities for the formation of communities that cross national borders.

    Studying the role that religion plays in these complex relationships will offer us insights into the formation, development or disintegration of certain groups and their choices, both in individual and public spheres. Thus, we welcome scholars from all fields of study (anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, folkloristics, history, political and religious studies, etc.) who study the connections between (ir)religion and nationalism or group identities. Particularly interesting aspects include:

    diachronic and contemporary aspects of the relationships between nationalism and religion

    regional aspects of religion and nation(alism)

    ideological entanglements of religion and nation(alism)

    religious tensions and conflicts between ethnic groups both past and present

    the relationships between (ir)religion, nationalism and group identity

    discursive intersections of religion and nationalism with gender, sexuality, race, class, culture and history

    the religious aspects of secular nationalism and secular sources of the public authority of religious institutions and traditions

    migration and religion, expatriate relationships with nation(alism) and religion

    conspiracy theories about the religious background of migrants

    neo-pagan and esoteric movements in the context of nation building


    The language of the conference will be English, the length of papers 20 minutes. A conference fee of 80€will be applied for meals and materials; participants are expected to pay for their own travel and accommodation.


    Please submit your abstract of 250-300 words to the conference e-mail address: before 31.05.2016. Pre-arranged panels will also be considered. Notification of acceptance, and the opening of registration, not later than: 01.07.2016.


    For inquiries please contact the Secretary of the conference, Piret Koosa ( Current information about the conference can be found at our home page

    The Conference is being organised by the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with the University of Tartu (School of Theology and Religious Studies, Institute of Cultural Research and Arts) and the Estonian Literary Museum.

    Organising committee: Madis Arukask, Alar Kilp, Piret Koosa, Katre Koppel, Mare Kõiva, Jaan Lahe, Atko Remmel, Ülo Valk, Ergo-Hart Västrik

  • 2016-03-14 09:58 | Anonymous



    (Saint Petersburg)

    Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

    Department of Religious Studies

    Research Centre for Esotericism and Mysticism



    With the support of

    European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism


    Mystic and Esoteric Movements

    in Theory and Practice:




    24 – 26 March, 2016, Saint Petersburg (Russia)

  • 2016-03-03 22:52 | Egil Asprem (Administrator)
    Applications for the first round of ESSWE’s Sponsorship Programme for Independent Scholarly Initiatives have now been evaluated. Out of five applications received, the committee has decided to award two projects:


    • The open-access journal Correspondences: € 380 to cover three years of OASPA membership and web hosting, providing professionalization and stability for an important independent initiative.
    • The conference Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over: € 200 to cover travel costs for an esotericism specialist to give a keynote at an experimental, transdisciplinary conference of potentially high visibility.


    We congratulate the winners of this very first run of the Sponsorship Programme!

    ESSWE will shortly announce a second round of application, for funding in autumn of 2016. Please check the website or our Facebook page for updates.  

  • 2016-01-11 09:56 | Mark Sedgwick

    Boaz Huss, ESSWE's Vice President, has been appointed webmaster in succession to Peter Forshaw, who has been webmaster ever since ESSWE's foundation. Thanks to Peter, and welcome to Boaz! Anyone with news or agenda items for the website is asked to email them to Boaz.

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